Leasing Matkustajaportaat EINSA EDA-18425 Alankomaat-sta, ID: 8593179
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EINSA EDA-18425 liisaus

Leasing EINSA EDA-18425

Julkaistu: 7kk. 27p.

Leasing  EINSA EDA-18425 EINSA EDA-18425: kuva Leasing  EINSA EDA-18425 EINSA EDA-18425
Leasing  EINSA EDA-18425 EINSA EDA-18425: kuva Leasing  EINSA EDA-18425 EINSA EDA-18425
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Julkaistu: 7kk. 27p.





432 h

3800 kg

5300 mm

3000 mm

2900 mm

Netherlands, Prestwickweg 8 1118 LB Schiphol

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Capacity: min. platform height 1.80 m, max. platform height 4.25 m




Self-propelled stair for medium body aircraftThe self-propelled passenger step, model EDA 18425 has been designed for embarking and disembarking on all aircraft with sill heights ranging from 1,8 m to 4.25 m. which makes it a versatile unit, being able to give service to commuter aircraft type BAE 146/AVRO RJ, through A320 and up to B-757. The unit incorporates hydrostatic transmission, diesel engine and hydraulic steering. The step can be optionally provided with open cabin. Brief Technical Specifications: • Operation with aircraft with sill height from 1,8 m to 4,25 m • 3 cylinder Water-cooled Diesel engine Perkins • Extra-wide access platform for comfort and safety of passengers. • Wide stairway • In-board driver’s post for improved visibility of the operator with all controls for driving the unit and operating the step situated on the driver’s panel. • Special articulated side panels allow unobstructed opening/ closing of aircraft door and virtually follow the curvature of the A/C fuselage without exerting any force and thereby avoiding damage to the aircraft. All areas coming into contact with the aircraft are white rubber protected to prevent staining fuselage. • The sliding engine compartment located in the central part of the chassis, is spacious and provides excellent accessibility for engine and other components for repair and maintenance. It houses the diesel engine, the main hydraulic automotive, anti-stall pump for traction , gear pump for services, batteries, exhaust, etc

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